In order to allow all flutists join the SAFA flute choir, those with severe financial difficulties can have their membership fee waived. You may select this option on the membership form when you register. Please see Membership for more information and for the form.
SAFA also has a limited number of private flute lesson scholarships available. They cover half of the cost of 10 lessons, worth $150. Please contact to apply.
If you need an instrument, SAFA has a limited number of student flutes that can be borrowed between August 1 and May 31. Please contact to apply.

Flute Donations

The Savannah Area Flute Association has a program to help students in need wanting to play the flute get an instrument. If you have an old student instrument that you no longer play or need, please consider donating it to a worthy cause. While a working instrument is preferred, flutes in all conditions would be greatly appreciated! A letter for tax deduction can also be provided upon request.
Please contact us at if you are interested.